
FAQs surrounding the theory of the Habit Story assessment.

What are psychometric assessments?

A psychometric is a tool to measure psychological traits, features, and abilities. These traits may include cognitive skill, personality, communication style preferences, and more. Psychometric assessments come in many forms, but Two Story only uses assessments that are empirically validated and based on research done by academics working in behavioral sciences.

Have you conducted any validation studies for Habit Story?

We are in the process of collecting samples for an adverse impact study as well, which we will complete on July 7, 2023.

Where can I find your adverse impact study?

How long does it take to complete the assessment?

The assessments take around 30 minutes.

Those questions were really weird, how do I know they mean something?

The questions in the Habit Story ask about personal and professional habits. While most workplace instruments only ask about work, the truth is, our workplace habits are transferable to personal habits, and the outcomes impact professional habits and outcomes (and vice versa).

What is given to the respondent after completing the assessment?

By default, each employee is given a digital report that represents their unique psychometric profile, and each organization is given the ability to grant any candidates access to their results upon request.

Last updated