Software experience

Performance Story Software Features

Performance Story is a powerful web-based application designed to make performance analytics simple and accessible. Our exclusive software is packed with features that help organizations make data-driven hiring decisions with ease. Here are some of the key features of the Performance Story software:

User-friendly interface

Performance Story's intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and use, even for those with limited technical skills. With just a few clicks, users can invite candidate(s) within your existing processes and receive actionable insights to make informed hiring decisions.

Cloud-based architecture

Performance Story is built on a cloud-based architecture, which means it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Users can securely access their data and reports from any device, anywhere in the world.

AI/ML-powered analytics

Our software leverages proprietary AI/ML technologies with an emphasis on eXplainable AI to analyze psychometric data and create performance signatures, which help organizations identify the best-fit candidates for a role. The advanced analytics engine takes into account a multitude of factors, including candidate behavior, communication style, work habits, and more.

Customizable reports

Performance Story's reports provide detailed insights into a candidate's psychometric profile, performance outcomes, and job match score.

With Performance Story, organizations can streamline their hiring process and make more informed decisions, all within an easy-to-use software package. Within the next few sections of this report, we'll speak specifically about the structure of the app so you can understand how to best use.

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